Step-by-step Guide: How to Add an ESXi Host to VMware vCenter Server (vCSA)

Let’s examine how to incorporate a standalone host with an ESXi hypervisor into the VMware vCenter Server (vCSA) for administrative centralization and utilization in cluster setups.

Establish a connection to the vCenter Server by launching the vSphere Client URL in your internet browser (https://vcenter_server_fqdg_or_ip/ui).

Choose the datacenter, folder, or cluster where you intend to introduce the new ESXi host:

  1. Right-click on the Datacenter and select Add Host.
  2. Specify the FQDN name (preferred) or IP address of your ESXi host.
  3. Enter the root credentials.
  4. vCenter Server connects to the ESXi host through 902 TCP/UDP ports. The current SHA1 fingerprint of the ESXi host certificate appears in a window. Confirm the connection (the certificate will be replaced with the certificate issued by the vCenter Certificate Server).
  5. If you connect to the ESXi console using SSH, you can check the current SHA1 certificate fingerprint:

# openssl x509 -in /etc/vmware/ssl/rui.crt -fingerprint -sha1 -noout

  • A table with ESXi host information (version and registered VMs) appears. All virtual machines registered on the ESXi host will be added to the current vCenter inventory item.
  • Select whether to use vSphere Lifecycle Manager for ESXi image management.
  • At the Assign License stage, you must select one of the ESXi licenses available in the vCenter Server. By default, a 60-day Evaluation License is used.
  • vCenter cannot manage VMware Hypervisor hosts with a free license.
  • You can enable Lockdown Mode to restrict direct local access to ESXi from the console.
  • Click Next -> Ready to complete.
The vpxa agent service is installed on ESXi for host management from the vCenter Server (the hostd service on the vCenter Server sends control commands to the vpxa, which in turn passes them on to the local hostd service).

The new ESXi host appears in the vCenter inventory after a few seconds.

On an ESXi host, you can use the CLI to check which vCenter it is connected to:

# configstorecli config current get -c esx -g services -k vpxa_solution_user_config |grep -i server_ip

If you have multiple ESXi hosts that require adding to vCenter all at once, automating this process with PowerShell can be a significant help.

Install the VMware.PowerCLI module on the computer of the administrator:

Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI
# Bypass self-signed certificates:
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope AllUsers -InvalidCertificateAction Warn

Establish a connection to vCenter:

connect-viserver -server vcsa1.woshub.loc

To add an ESXi host to the vCenter Server, use the command:

Add-VMHost -Name -Location HQDC -Force

Type the ESXi host root password:

Resetting the root password on VMware ESXi.

Check that the host is connected to vCenter:


Use this script if you need to add multiple ESXi hosts to vCenter at once:

$ESXiHosts = “esxi1.woshub.loc”, “esxi2.woshub.loc”

$Location = “HQDC”

$credentials = Get-Credential -UserName root -Message “Enter ESXi password”

Foreach ($ESXiHost in $ESXiHosts) {

Add-VMHost -Name $ESXiHost -Location $Location -User $credentials.UserName -Password $credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password -RunAsync -force

Write-Host -ForegroundColor GREEN “Adding $ESXiHost to vCenter”




