Mastering Encryption and Decryption with Ansible Vault

Ansible Vault allows you to encrypt sensitive data such as passwords, keys, and other secrets rather than storing them as plaintext in your playbooks or roles. In this tutorial, I will explain how to use Ansible Vault to encrypt and decrypt data during playbook runtime.


To proceed with this tutorial, you will need the following:

  • An Ansible management node with Ansible installed and configured
  • An Ansible target node
  • SSH key-based authentication between the management node and the target node

Check out our introductory articles in this Ansible beginner’s tutorial, where we explain how to configure the necessary prerequisites.

Encrypting data with Ansible Vault

Ansible Vault uses symmetric encryption to protect data. To create a new encrypted file, use the ansible-vault create command followed by the name of your new file:

ansible-vault create secrets.yml

You will be prompted to enter a password. This password will be used to encrypt the file.

New Vault password: 

Confirm New Vault password:

After entering the password, you will be taken to an editor where you can enter your sensitive data:

db_password: mysecretpassword

Save and close the file. Your data is now encrypted. You can view the encrypted data using this command:

cat secrets.yml

Displaying encrypted data

Viewing encrypted data

To view the contents of an encrypted file named secrets.yml using Ansible Vault, you can use the ansible-vault view command.

ansible-vault view secrets.yml

After running this command, Ansible Vault will prompt you to enter the vault password. Once you provide the correct password, it will decrypt and display the contents of the secrets.yml file in your terminal.

Displaying decrypted data

Editing encrypted files

If you want to edit an encrypted file, you can use the ansible-vault edit command:

ansible-vault edit secrets.yml

You will be prompted to enter your password when creating the file.

Vault password:

After entering the password, you can view and edit your sensitive data.

db_password: mysecretpassword

When you save the file, Ansible Vault will encrypt it again.

Decrypting encrypted files

If you want to store the file in plaintext, you can use the ansible-vault decrypt command:

ansible-vault decrypt secrets.yml

You will be asked to enter your vault password to decrypt the file.

Vault password: 

Decryption successful

The cat command allows you to view the decrypted file.

cat secrets.yml


Changing the vault password

Rotating your vault passwords periodically is a wise move to boost security. You can conveniently re-encrypt existing files with a new password using Ansible Vault.

If you need to rekey an encrypted file named secrets.yml, you can use the ansible-vault rekey command:

ansible-vault rekey secrets.yml

After you provide the correct password, Ansible Vault will ask for the new vault password. After confirming the new password, Ansible Vault will re-encrypt the file with the new password.

Changing the vault password

Running Playbooks with vaulted files

There are two methods to run an Ansible playbook with a vault password: –ask-vault-pass and vault_password_file

Using –ask-vault-pass

You can provide the vault password interactively during playbook runtime by using the –ask-vault-pass option.

ansible-playbook playbook.yml --ask-vault-pass

Ansible will prompt you to enter the vault password before executing the playbook.

Using a vault password file

You can also store the vault password in a plaintext file and reference it in your Ansible configuration file using the vault_password_file parameter. This method eliminates the need to enter the vault password interactively.

nano /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg

Add the following line to define the path of your vault password file:


vault_password_file = /etc/ansible/vault_password.txt

Next, create a file to store the vault password.

nano /etc/ansible/vault_password.txt

Add your vault password:


Ensure that the vault password file contains only the password and restrict access permissions to prevent unauthorized usage. You can now run your playbook as usual without providing a vault password.

Using Ansible Vault in a playbook

An Ansible playbook is used in this example to create a MySQL database. Ansible Vault securely stores the root and user password.

To begin with, a vars directory needs to be created.

mkdir vars

Subsequently, a new vault file should be created to store the MySQL root and user password:

ansible-vault create vars/mysql_vault.yml

When prompted, enter the vault password and then add the following lines to define your passwords:

mysql_root_password: SecureRootPassword

mysql_user_password: SecureUserPassword

Next, create an Ansible playbook that uses this password to create a new MySQL database and user on a remote node.

nano mysql_setup.yml

Here is the content that needs to be added.


- name: Generate MySQL Database and User

hosts: node1


- vars/mysql_vault.yml


- name: Launch MySQL service


name: mysql

state: started

- name: Establish database


name: wp_db

state: present

login_user: root

login_password: "{{ mysql_root_password }}"

- name: Set up database user


name: wp_user

password: "{{ mysql_user_password }}"

priv: "wp_db.*:ALL"

state: present

login_user: root

login_password: "{{ mysql_root_password }}"

This is what the above code signifies:

Explanation here

  • vars_files: This directive includes the file mysql_vault.yml, where the encrypted variables are stored.
  • mysql_root_password: This variable stores the encrypted MySQL root password.
  • mysql_user_password: This variable stores the plaintext password for the new MySQL user.
  • mysql_db: This task creates a MySQL database named wp_db.
  • mysql_user: This task creates a MySQL user named wp_user with a specified password and grants privileges on the my_database.

Finally, run the playbook with the following command:

ansible-playbook mysql_setup.yml --ask-vault-pass

Before the playbook is executed, you have to enter the vault password. The playbook will then read the MySQL root password from the vault file and use it to create the database and user.

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Creating database and user using Ansible vault

Creating database and user using Ansible vault


In this tutorial, you learned how to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data using Ansible Vault. We have also used Ansible Vault in a playbook to create a MySQL database with root and user passwords. Encrypting sensitive information is a must if security matters in your environment.



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