Introducing 4sysops AI: The Future of System Operations

We have just added an experimental feature to 4sysops. At the end of every blog article, you will find a chatbot that enables you to ask questions about the article. You may use this feature if you need further clarification or want to gain additional information not covered in the article.

It is important to note that the responses generated by 4sysops AI are based on the content of the article that you just read. If you ask the same questions to ChatGPT, you may receive a different response as it was not trained on the article content.

Currently, we are using the OpenAI API to generate the responses. You can directly reference the concepts discussed in the article while interacting with the 4syops AI, as it is aware of the article content.

Currently, only you can view the prompts and the AI’s responses. However, this may change in the future.

Announcing 4sysops AI

If you navigate to a new blog article, the content of the text will be added to the context. The conversation stays in the context until you click the clear button.

Before you can access this feature, please sign in with your 4sysops account. If you do not have an account yet, you can apply for membership here.



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