Guide to Reading, Modifying, and Parsing JSON Files with PowerShell

JSON is a popular text-based format for representing and transmitting structured data based on JavaScript object syntax. There are two cmdlets in PowerShell that allow you to work with the JSON data format: ConvertFrom-Json and ConvertTo-Json. Let’s look at how you can use PowerShell to create, read, or modify JSON objects and save them to files.

Data in JSON format is represented as key:value pairs (property nesting is allowed). Suppose you want to write JSON data to a file. Create a JSON structured data object:

$obj = @{

Name = "Henry"

Roles = @{

AD = "Admin"

SQL = "Report"


"Company" = "woshub"


Now convert the object to JSON format and save it to a file with a .json extension:

$json = $obj | ConvertTo-Json

$json | Set-Content -Path C:PSuserroles.json

You can now read the JSON file:

$json = Get-Content -Path C:PSuserroles.json -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

List all JSON object properties:


Or you can get the value of a particular property in a JSON object:


Use the Add-Member command to add a new property to a JSON object:

$json| Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Email" -Value "[email protected]"

Use the following commands to change a single value in a JSON object and save it to a file:



$json|ConvertTo-Json| Set-Content -Path C:PSuserroles.json


Remove JSON object property:




By utilizing the Invoke-WebRequest PowerShell command, JSON HTTP API data can be retrieved from external web services or websites. As an example, A records returned by Google’s DNS service in JSON format can be listed:

$rawresp=Invoke-WebRequest "$site&type=A"
$rawjson = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $rawresp.Content



