Category: Ansible

  • Mastering Encryption and Decryption with Ansible Vault

    Mastering Encryption and Decryption with Ansible Vault

    Ansible Vault allows you to encrypt sensitive data such as passwords, keys, and other secrets rather than storing them as plaintext in your playbooks or roles. In this tutorial, I will explain how to use Ansible Vault to encrypt and decrypt data during playbook runtime. Prerequisites To proceed with this tutorial, you will need the…

  • An Easy Guide to Ansible Roles: A Practical Example

    An Easy Guide to Ansible Roles: A Practical Example

    If you want to deploy a web server like Apache or Nginx with Ansible, you can create a playbook outlining the installation and configuration steps. This approach works well for a single web server but can become repetitive and time-consuming if you need to deploy many servers. To streamline the process, you can use Ansible…

  • Mastering Ansible Variables: A Guide with Practical Examples

    Mastering Ansible Variables: A Guide with Practical Examples

    Ansible variables store and manipulate data that can be accessed and utilized across playbooks, roles, and tasks. They allow for dynamic configurations and flexible automation by enabling the abstraction of values that may change based on different environments or use cases. In this tutorial, I will introduce Ansible variables and explore their usage with examples.…

  • Getting Started with Ansible: A Tutorial for Beginners

    Getting Started with Ansible: A Tutorial for Beginners

    Ansible, an open-source automation platform, is rapidly gaining popularity among IT experts and organizations seeking simple yet powerful solutions for automation. It streamlines IT operations by automating configuration management, application deployment, and task automation. It speeds up tasks and ensures infrastructure consistency. This Ansible beginner tutorial will take you through the essential steps of getting…